
Haven't blogged for quite a while now, but worry not, you haven't missed much in my terribly exciting life. At all.

Well I am now Mrs Greenwood, which makes me feel older, but in a good way. The wedding day was possibly one of the windiest days of the year, so I completely and utterly froze my tits off when it came to the photographs. My worries of being pissed before the ceremony were unfounded as I only had time for 2 glasses of wine, and spent from half 8 till half 2 in the afternoon getting ready.

Anyway my purple wedding dress went down a treat, sadly I had to go home and get changed in the evening as by that point id been laced into it all day, forgot to eat much of the wedding breakfast and was on the verge of passing out. Thankfully after changing into something more comfortable I got my second wind, and got pissed as a fart.

The honeymoon was spent up in Sedbergh in a house looking up at Winder fell, which we had a ramble up to the top of one day. It was very relaxing apart from the bits where I had to drive. 

I cannot write anymore as my headache is back. It may be something to do with the half bottle of gin I've drunk tonight. Surely not...


This is my personal online journal - recording my rants and ramblings (usually wine-fuelled). 
Feel free to read the less edited musings of my soul, but you might need a strong cup of coffee and a well-known orangey energy tablet. 
Sometimes, I add pictures. It breaks up the day.