Google does a lot of things.
'Is there anything Google cannot do?' I pondered. Which brings me on to a couple of suggestions to add some more strings to their bow.
Google will walk your dog while you are at work, down whichever route you specify on Google Maps. It will also search for any poops your mutt makes en-route and put them in the Googlebag.
Feeling tired/want to go out with the lads/wife's a munter? Google will satisfy your other half while you get on with your life. Simply log into your account and select length of session, approximate no. of orgasms per session and preferred methods of stimulation. Google recognises that you are likely to be unsure about the latter, so helpfully provides you with a 'random' option.
If I actually thought about it I could probably go on all night so I'll leave it there.
If I actually thought about it I could probably go on all night so I'll leave it there.
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