Not a particularly good week in the land of Sass. I keep looking above me to check if there's a big black cloud, but living around here the sky is lined with them anyway. As if to add to this, my brain has decided its getting about as much stimulation as a Catholic nun, and keeps getting annoyed when I try to think about everyday life. Apparently there is a large part of the human brain that remains largely unused by the majority, which may be connected to everything psychic and spiritual. I think someones just opened the door in mine, realised the light bulb has blown and is currently off in search of a replacement. Until he returns, I am feeding my over-sensitive head with non-stop Nine Inch Nails and things to write.
I've decided to do this writing course, despite belief from some *cough* that I'll give up on it. The only problem is that it costs a couple of hundred quid, and nobody will employ me, probably because I had so many crappy jobs in the past. Bah. If something actually went right , it would be that I got a part-time job and became a freelance writer too. And found a wodge of banknotes in the carport.
So musically, it's been a very NIN-themed week. However, I can't take it seriously after watching the cartoons at They must be funny, cause I actually laughed...
I'm off to drink absinthe in the streets.
Working Title
Do You Even Know What A Wawa Is??
My poison of choice tonight is a rather cheap bottle of California White, and it tastes somewhat like badger piss. Well, how I imagine badger piss tastes. Im getting more of a taste for the red stuff now, but any kind of wine is the petrol in my writing tank. And after the shit that went down this week, I'm going to need a whole lot more refilling.
So for some time now, I've been trying to work out what I'm actually good at. 23 years pass, and my only conclusion is - writing crap. So thats what I'm going to do, just not entirely sure how to go about it yet. So far I have written an article about my guinea pigs for Helium. Well, it's a start...
Anyway, this is my first post, so I better explain my name, Sassmong. According to Urban Dictionary,
'This word is often used to cause confusion amongst a relatively normal sentence or used to signify the end of a sentence.Sassmong is also used as a censor and to give the sentence a double entendre.The use of the word sassmong can be used to compliment or to insult.'
We like. I didnt just use it because it's half my name merged with a word that sums me up, honest.
As you can see by my picture, I am trying to overcome my mental block on glasses, in the hope that if I start wearing them again occasionally, I may become more intellectual. Or at least cancel out the brain cells I kill off with alcohol.
I bought another self-help book yesterday. Nee-naw nee-naw...well I say self-help, but it isn't actually. According to one of those 'ooh, I do/have that' lists, I am a HSP. Hot Sexy Person? Gah, no it's Highly Sensitive Person. So im hoping it either tells me how to stop being one, or tells me that it's a good thing, though I'm failing to see how that is possible.
Has anyone got 5 grand they would like to donate to a very worthy cause??
Labels: glasses , HSP , Lionel Ritchie