Away to Whitby

We went to Whitby for a long weekend, thankfully before it really started to tip it down. This is part of the view from the hotel...

Whitby is reputedly a pretty haunted place (though I never saw anything, grump). Was this Captain Cook's ghostly ship sailing out to sea? Nah, but for 2 quid you could have a ride of this replica and sing silly songs.

There are a lot of steps in Whitby. A bloody lot. If you can get to the top of some you can get some lovely views such as this one...

Here I am looking rather pleased with myself. Unfortunately, shortly afterwards I dared to wade in deeper and got a rather wet crotch.

Well, it was cheaper than flowers.

A rather jaunty angle of the Church at the top of the 199 Steps. Dad recovering from said steps in corner.

Don't you just love the warm and friendly welcome that the Church gives you?

This is my personal online journal - recording my rants and ramblings (usually wine-fuelled). 
Feel free to read the less edited musings of my soul, but you might need a strong cup of coffee and a well-known orangey energy tablet. 
Sometimes, I add pictures. It breaks up the day.